has travelled the world in the last twenty-plus years, living and teaching university art classes in Italy, Greece and France after having taught for a number of years in the U.S. Michael's personal work spans a wide range of subjects and investigates innumerable aspects of photo history (from the oldest photo processes to the most recent digital innovations). While fascinated by various photographic and printmaking techniques, the goal has never been to simply master the techniques but rather to use them to make statements about the world we live in.
Michael's photography work is represented in Paris by Galerie Duboys.
For those interested in learning more about the techniques Michael uses, workshops and classes are offered in English and in French covering traditional as well as digital approaches to photography.
Atelier Atlantic Photo Tours and Workshops
The Photo Academy
Recent Exhibition:
Future Perfect
at Bronx Art Space
305 E. 140th St.
Bronx, NY
January 3-February 3, 2018
Artist's Reception: January 31, 6-9 p.m.
See Press Release for Future Perfect Exhibit (in English)

Appointment in Samarra Press Release (in English) (2015)
Dossier de Presse Appointment in Samarra (en français)

Selected Best Gallery Exhibition in Paris in 2012
Michael McCarthy's Human Form exhibition held at Galerie Duboys along with Fréderique Chauveaux (video installation artist) was selected as Best Gallery Exhibition in 2012 by Marc Lenot, writer of Lunettes Rouges blog affiliated with Le Monde newspaper in Paris. Read the original review of the exhibition (in French). |